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Vessel Attacked – 136nm SW Bayelsa State




20 May 2020


02°14’54.00″N, 005° 5’36.00″E

Ship Dimension

143 x 21.75

Vessel / Cargo

General Cargo


136nm SW Bayelsa State

144nm NW Sao Tome

44nm South Nigerian EEZ

Source Confidence Level


Incident Overview

IMB have reported that a vessel was attacked by pirates. All crew are reported to be in the citadel. Nigerian Navy authorities have been informed and are responding.

Dryad Analysis

The vessel in question is believed to be the Cypriot cargo flagged ESL AUSTRALIA.

This is the 5th such incident to occur within 100nm of the southern fringe of the Nigerian EEZ within 2020. Within 2019 there were 4 incidents within 50nm of this incident. Incident analysis shows an increase in reporting in this area across a 3 year period which is contrast with a wider declining trend of overall incidents over the same period.

Dryad will update accordingly.

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