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Illegal Boarding of Vessel – Banana Anchorage – Congo


Illegal Boarding


25 May 2020


06° 00.6S 012° 19.8E

Ship Dimension

147.8 x 23.25 m

Vessel / Cargo

Container vessel


Banana Anchorage 3nm from Shore

Source Confidence Level


Incident Overview

Reporting indicates the Hong Kong flagged container ship MAERSK REGENSBURG was illegally boarded by one individual. The duty crew on deck spotted the intruder on board removing lashing from a deck. The alarm was raised, and the crew mustered. The intruder fled the vessel in small boat with outboard motor. Vessel search conducted and no other abnormalities noted. One container had one lashing bar removed. All attempt to contact Pilot/shore by VHF 16 failed. All crews are reported safe.

Dryad Analysis

This is only the second incident in this location within the last 12 months. Incident reporting within this area remains sparse and limited to boarding for theft.

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