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Kidnapping – 100nm S of Bonny Island 105nm SW of Bioko Island

By December 4, 2019Incident Reports



03 Dec 2019


02 40.8N 006 57.0E

Ship Dimension

380m × 60m 157039Gt

Ship Cargo



100nm S of Bonny Island 105nm SW of Bioko Island

Source Confidence Level


What Exactly Happened

Incident Overview

Reporting indicates that the NAVE CONSTELLATION has been attacked deep offshore. Having been boarded, the pirates are believed to have left the vessel with 19 crew members (18 Indians and 1 Turkish). Indications are that 7 crews are still on board the tanker.

Our Experts Say

Dryad Analysis

This incident is the 6th maritime security incident and the fourth kidnapping incident to occur within 30nm of the South Eastern boundary of the Nigerian EEZ within 2019. This is further confirmation of a developing trend of incidents that are assessed to be perpetuated by a well resourced pirate action group, most likely operating from one or more mother-ship vessels. It is assessed that this PAG is aware of the limitations of security prescience beyond the Nigerian EEZ and is seeking to exploit traffic conducting operations at or in support of oil infrastructure located along the north eastern fringes of the Nigerian EEZ and within the 60nm channel between the Nigerian EEZ and Bioko Island. This latest incident occurred 26nm SE of the Egina terminal. Within this, vessels conducting operations at the Egina, Usan and Serpentina terminals are assessed to be operating at heightened risk in the medium to longer term.


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