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Suspicious Approach Reported Within IRTC

By February 20, 2020Incident Reports

Suspicious Approach


20 February 2020 1824hrs UTC


13 27.0N – 049 42.0E

Ship Dimension

Vessel / Cargo



Source Confidence Level


Incident Overview

A merchant vessel has reported a suspicious approach at 1824 UTC on the 20th Feb, by 3 skiffs in posn 1327N – 04942E (in vicinity of the IRTC) to within a range of 1NM. Situation still ongoing.

Dryad Analysis

This latest report is the second such suspicious approach reported within the IRTC in 2020, with the first occurring on the 11 Jan 20. This latest incident is 94nm East of another suspicious approach occurring within the Westbound transit corridor that recorded almost 12 months prior. Within 2019 there were four reported suspicious approaches within the Gulf of Aden and Bab al Mandab. None of these incidents have been confirmed as MARSEC incidents.

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