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Suspicious Approach – 27nm SE Sao Tome


Suspicious Approach


16 June 2020


00°13’S, 007°16’E

Ship Dimension

40 x 8.1 m

Vessel / Cargo



27nm SE Sao Tome

104nm NW Port Gentil

Source Confidence Level


Incident Overview

Reporting indicates that the Cape Verde flagged Tug vessel ARTIKE was pursued by two skiffs offshore South East of Sao Tome. No further information exists at this time.

All vessels are reminded that this area presents a SUBSTANTIAL risk to mariners. All vessels should continue to observe heightened awareness and take appropriate mitigation.

Dryad will update accordingly.

Dryad Analysis

This is the first incident within this location with the majority of incidents historically occurring on the West side of Sao Tome and in the vicinity of Port Libreville and Port Gentil. Whilst details remain sparse, the ARTIKE is likely to present an ideal opportune target for any potential maritime crime given her uniquely low profile. Weather conditions within the area were reported to be well within limits for small boat operations.

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