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Suspicious Approach – 110nm SW Agbami Terminal

By March 25, 2020Incident Reports

Suspicious Approach


25 March 2020 1630Z


02°27’N, 004°01’E

Ship Dimension


Vessel / Cargo



110nm SW Agbami Terminal

Source Confidence Level


Incident Overview

Reporting indicates that a vessel has reported being followed by an unidentified “craft” 110nm SW Agbami Terminal.

Following the attack earlier today on the bulk carrier to the southeast of Agbami, it is possible that this is the same craft. The distance between the earlier attack and this sighting also fits.

Vessels should exercise extreme caution in the area and maintain watches 24/7 for any small craft acting suspiciously in the area, and report in to authorities any sightings.

Dryad Analysis

This latest incident has occurred at in an area of significant reporting density. Throughout 2019 there were 5 incidents recorded within 60nm of the Agbami Field Terminal compared with 0 incidents in 2018.

Dryad will continue to update this post as necessary.

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