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El Feel and El Sharara Oilfields Closed


El Feel and El Sharara Oilfields Closed


19 Jan 2020


Reports suggest that local tribesman have closed El Feel and El Sharara oilfields. This move will reduce a large quantity of Libya’s Western oil output, and following the closure of Eastern ports earlier this week, results in a near complete shutdown in Libyan oil output at the time of reporting.

Dryad Assessment

The incident is currently developing, and Dryad shall report as further information occurs. It is so far unclear if local tribesman acted on the behalf of the LNA, although this has been stated, or saw an opportunity with the closure of Eastern ports to put further pressure on the NOC.

Haftar and the LNA are now actively using Libya’s oil infrastructure as a bargaining chip in the tussle for power in Libya. The results of the Berlin Conference, which are expected later this evening/early tomorrow morning, will provide some clarity in the short term. There is currently no additional risk to vessels operating in Libyan waters, and this is primarily an intra-Libyan power struggle. Vessels are reminded to comply with whichever grouping currently controls a port area, as well as remaining in contact with the Libyan authorities, navy and coastguard where possible.

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